The newest release brought some integration into ISE the grafical Interactive Scripting Environment. You may look at to get an impression.
The modules OracleClient and OracleISE are new too and aim at establishing connections to and executing simple queries on Oracle servers. (Stored procedures returning refcursors and parameters are not yet supported).
Today I'm not describing how to use these modules, but I provide a test for you, to check if the needed components are installed.
The needed components are called Oracle Data Access Components
You need a computer with a orcale client including these components, you need PowerShell V2 running on it and you need how to connect to an Oracle Server using TNS names.
Now lets execute a litte PowerShell, to see if the Oracle.DataAccess is found on your system
$a = [System.Reflection.Assembly]::LoadWithPartialName("Oracle.DataAccess") $a | fl
If you get something like
CodeBase : file:///C:/Windows/assembly/GAC_32/Oracle.DataAccess/2the needed assembly is present and you can start to wait for me telling you how to use the modules.
EntryPoint :
EscapedCodeBase : file:///C:/Windows/assembly/GAC_32/Oracle.DataAccess/2
FullName : Oracle.DataAccess, Version=, Culture=neutral,
GlobalAssemblyCache : True
HostContext : 0
ImageFileMachine :
ImageRuntimeVersion : v2.0.50727
Location : C:\Windows\assembly\GAC_32\Oracle.DataAccess\
ManifestModule : Oracle.DataAccess.dll
MetadataToken :
PortableExecutableKind :
ReflectionOnly : False
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