yesterday, I created http://etsql.codeplex.com/. spelling Extreme T-SQL Script.
This allows me to publish my scripts using version control.
The initial scripts deal with filling long text/varchar(max) by sql script and the reverse to display the whole content of such data fields: I create update statements which would recreate the content or even move it to ORACLE databases.
But be warned, I'm not allways trying to present completly generall solutions. My priority is on cases I have to tackle at work. I.e. currently I only handle data with a resonable frequency of embedded newlines.
Often I think, that T-SQL isn't the best language for some of these database related task. But it surely is the most spread language dealing with database manipulation. That means using T-SQL I reach four times as much coworkers than with Powershell and it is easy to use once SSMS is running.
Sonntag, 31. Oktober 2010
Sonntag, 10. Oktober 2010
sptab -- My replacement for many uses of sp_help
You can use sp_help or SSMS to find out the columns in a table, view or stored procedure parameter list.
But to use sp_help, you need to know the exact name of the object, which I usually refuse to remeber (based on inconsistant naming conventions).
Instead I use some sort of intellisence logic.
If I don't give an exact name, tell me which match, otherwise give me the information I ask for.
And here is my code (requires SQL-2005):
But to use sp_help, you need to know the exact name of the object, which I usually refuse to remeber (based on inconsistant naming conventions).
Instead I use some sort of intellisence logic.
If I don't give an exact name, tell me which match, otherwise give me the information I ask for.
And here is my code (requires SQL-2005):
if object_id ('sptab', 'P') > 0 drop procedure sptab
create proc dbo.sptab (@BeginOfString varchar(50)= null, @type varchar(10) = '', @sort varchar(10) = 'id')
declare @n varchar(100)
declare @obid int
declare @tmp_obj table(id_ int, name_ varchar(256), type varchar(5))
if @BeginOfString is null
print 'usage sptab[, type ][, sort (id|name|len)] BK 2010-10-08'
return 0
if @type = ''
insert into @tmp_obj select id, name, type from sysobjects where type in ('U', 'V', 'P', 'FN', 'IF') and name = rtrim(@BeginOfString)
insert into @tmp_obj select id, name, type from sysobjects where type = @type and name = rtrim(@BeginOfString)
if @@ROWCOUNT = 1
select @n = name_, @obid = id_ from @tmp_obj
delete @tmp_obj
if @type = ''
insert into @tmp_obj select id, name, type from sysobjects where type in ('U', 'V', 'P') and name like rtrim(@BeginOfString) + '%'
insert into @tmp_obj select id, name, type from sysobjects where type = @type and name like rtrim(@BeginOfString) + '%'
if @@ROWCOUNT = 1
select @n = name_, @obid = id_ from @tmp_obj
select type, name_ name from @tmp_obj order by 1
return 0
print @n
if @sort = 'id'
select left (c.name, 40) col, c.colid, left (t.name, 16) type, t.xtype, c.length
, case when isnullable <> 0 then 'J' else '' end NULLs
, case when COLUMNPROPERTY(@obid, c.name ,'IsIdentity') <> 0 then 'J' else '' end Id
, isnull(OBJECT_DEFINITION (c.cdefault), '') [default]
from syscolumns c
join systypes t on c.xtype = t.xtype and c.usertype = t.usertype
where c.id = @obid
order by c.colid
else if @sort = 'name'
select left (c.name, 40) col, c.colid, left (t.name, 16) type, t.xtype, c.length
, case when isnullable <> 0 then 'J' else '' end NULLs
, case when COLUMNPROPERTY(@obid, c.name ,'IsIdentity') <> 0 then 'J' else '' end Id
, isnull(OBJECT_DEFINITION (c.cdefault), '') [default]
from syscolumns c
join systypes t on c.xtype = t.xtype and c.usertype = t.usertype
where c.id = @obid
order by col
else if @sort = 'len'
select left (c.name, 40) col, c.colid, left (t.name, 16) type, t.xtype, c.length
, case when isnullable <> 0 then 'J' else '' end NULLs
, case when COLUMNPROPERTY(@obid, c.name ,'IsIdentity') <> 0 then 'J' else '' end Id
, isnull(OBJECT_DEFINITION (c.cdefault), '') [default]
from syscolumns c
join systypes t on c.xtype = t.xtype and c.usertype = t.usertype
where c.id = @obid
order by length, colid
Montag, 4. Oktober 2010
find_nonconstant_columns in Database Tables
If your database is designed by Lord Voldemort, I guess that its tables are highly denormalized, worse they contain a lot of redundant columns.
Here I present a power-muggle tool to get rid of all columns containing the same value or calling it the other way, to keep the columns with different values.
Beeing a muggle, here I have a very different opinion about the equality of null values than the ANSI-Wizzards, who are proud of making simple syntax weired.
Here I present a power-muggle tool to get rid of all columns containing the same value or calling it the other way, to keep the columns with different values.
Beeing a muggle, here I have a very different opinion about the equality of null values than the ANSI-Wizzards, who are proud of making simple syntax weired.
set nocount on
if OBJECT_ID ('find_nonconstant_columns', 'P' ) > 0 drop procedure find_nonconstant_columns
create procedure dbo.find_nonconstant_columns( @tableName sysname)
declare @res table (colname sysname, count int, has_nulls int)
Declare @typname varchar(30)
Declare @name varchar(60)
Declare @value varchar (100)
declare @cmd varchar(max)
declare @result varchar(max)
-- select name from systypes
Declare c CURSOR FOR
select c.name, t.name
from syscolumns c
join sysobjects o on c.id = o.id
join systypes t on c.xtype = t.xtype
where o.name = @TableName
FETCH NEXT From c into @name, @typname
-- select name from systypes -- I guess I must cast a few more types
set @value = case when @typname in ('text') then 'cast( ' + @name + ' as varchar(max) )' else @name end
-- this statement is dedicated to all ansi fools who enforce Bad Influenced syntax
set @cmd = 'select ''' + @name +''', (select count(distinct '+@value+') from '+@TableName
+' where '+@name+' is not null), (Select max (case when ' + @name + ' is null then 1 else 0 end) from '+@TableName+')'
--print @cmd
insert into @res exec( @cmd )
FETCH NEXT From c into @name, @typname
select * from @res
Declare r cursor for
Select colname from @res where (count + has_nulls) > 1
FETCH NEXT From r into @name
set @result = case when @result is null then @name else @result + ', ' + @name end
FETCH NEXT From r into @name
close r
deallocate r
print @result
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