But to use sp_help, you need to know the exact name of the object, which I usually refuse to remeber (based on inconsistant naming conventions).
Instead I use some sort of intellisence logic.
If I don't give an exact name, tell me which match, otherwise give me the information I ask for.
And here is my code (requires SQL-2005):
if object_id ('sptab', 'P') > 0 drop procedure sptab
create proc dbo.sptab (@BeginOfString varchar(50)= null, @type varchar(10) = '', @sort varchar(10) = 'id')
declare @n varchar(100)
declare @obid int
declare @tmp_obj table(id_ int, name_ varchar(256), type varchar(5))
if @BeginOfString is null
print 'usage sptab[, type ][, sort (id|name|len)] BK 2010-10-08'
return 0
if @type = ''
insert into @tmp_obj select id, name, type from sysobjects where type in ('U', 'V', 'P', 'FN', 'IF') and name = rtrim(@BeginOfString)
insert into @tmp_obj select id, name, type from sysobjects where type = @type and name = rtrim(@BeginOfString)
if @@ROWCOUNT = 1
select @n = name_, @obid = id_ from @tmp_obj
delete @tmp_obj
if @type = ''
insert into @tmp_obj select id, name, type from sysobjects where type in ('U', 'V', 'P') and name like rtrim(@BeginOfString) + '%'
insert into @tmp_obj select id, name, type from sysobjects where type = @type and name like rtrim(@BeginOfString) + '%'
if @@ROWCOUNT = 1
select @n = name_, @obid = id_ from @tmp_obj
select type, name_ name from @tmp_obj order by 1
return 0
print @n
if @sort = 'id'
select left (c.name, 40) col, c.colid, left (t.name, 16) type, t.xtype, c.length
, case when isnullable <> 0 then 'J' else '' end NULLs
, case when COLUMNPROPERTY(@obid, c.name ,'IsIdentity') <> 0 then 'J' else '' end Id
, isnull(OBJECT_DEFINITION (c.cdefault), '') [default]
from syscolumns c
join systypes t on c.xtype = t.xtype and c.usertype = t.usertype
where c.id = @obid
order by c.colid
else if @sort = 'name'
select left (c.name, 40) col, c.colid, left (t.name, 16) type, t.xtype, c.length
, case when isnullable <> 0 then 'J' else '' end NULLs
, case when COLUMNPROPERTY(@obid, c.name ,'IsIdentity') <> 0 then 'J' else '' end Id
, isnull(OBJECT_DEFINITION (c.cdefault), '') [default]
from syscolumns c
join systypes t on c.xtype = t.xtype and c.usertype = t.usertype
where c.id = @obid
order by col
else if @sort = 'len'
select left (c.name, 40) col, c.colid, left (t.name, 16) type, t.xtype, c.length
, case when isnullable <> 0 then 'J' else '' end NULLs
, case when COLUMNPROPERTY(@obid, c.name ,'IsIdentity') <> 0 then 'J' else '' end Id
, isnull(OBJECT_DEFINITION (c.cdefault), '') [default]
from syscolumns c
join systypes t on c.xtype = t.xtype and c.usertype = t.usertype
where c.id = @obid
order by length, colid
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